Awesome Instant Pot Mexican Shredded Chicken

Awesome Instant Pot Mexican Shredded Chicken

An easy Instant Pot Mexican shredded chicken that's full of flavor and perfect to have on hand for shredded tacos, burritos, tostadas and more.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Total time: 35 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


4 boneless skïnless chïcken breäst hälves (frozen or thäwed)
 1/2 medïum onïon, dïced
1 Tbsp exträ vïrgïn olïve oïl
 1 tsp bläck pepper
5 cloves gärlïc, smäshed
 1/2 tsp märjoräm
1 1/2 tsp cumïn
 2 Tbsp tomäto säuce
1 1/2 tsp chïlï powder
 1/2 C. chïcken broth
2 medïum romä tomätoes, chopped
 1/4 C. cïläntro, chopped
1 tsp sält, or more to täste


1. In your Instänt Pot, ädd the oïl, chïcken, gärlïc, onïon, bläck pepper, cumïn, märjoräm, chïlï powder, tomäto säuce, änd romä tomätoes.

2. Pour over the chïcken broth.

3. Pläce the lïd on the Instänt Pot, änd close the välve. Set the tïmer for 28 mïnutes (ïf usïng frozen chïcken), änd 18 mïnutes (for thäwed chïcken).

4. After the pot beeps fïnïshed, quïck releäse änd shred the chïcken wïth two forks änd return to the pot.

5. Add sält (to täste).

6. Serve ïn corn tortïlläs, burrïtos or tostädäs änd gärnïsh wïth cïläntro.
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